The most important part of running a business is knowing that the finances are right. If your accounts don’t tell you if you are making a profit, then you could be working for nothing. It is important to know that invoices raised have been paid, that expenses are not unknowingly increasing and how much you have in the bank!
We can work with you to ensure that you have the information you need to run your business successfully. HMRC is soon going to be looking for all business to provide quarterly information. If you are not already submitting VAT returns, then providing information more than once a year is going to be new to you, and you need to be ready for when the requirements come in.
There is no need for the records to be maintained on a software package but using a package can ensure that your accounts information is accurate and available in real time. We will work with you to ensure you enjoy the benefits from the package that you need. We manage the software so that you have the accounts details at hand to help you run your business. We have partnered with software providers, which enables us to provide you with a licence and basic training to get you up and running. Please get in touch for more details.
However, we understand you may not want to work that way. You may prefer to keep things offline and maintain your information in a more traditional, old-school way - and that’s fine with us too. Whichever method you prefer, we will ensure your invoices and expenses are recorded correctly and with minimal fuss.
As part of our bookkeeping service, we also prepare all period-end adjustments, so your records will be accurate, timely and complete, to enable your accounts to be prepared easily after your year end. This ensures that you are prepared well in advance for the tax payments when they become due.